Brace yourself Honeybunch, I’ve got some bad news for you. You hate negativity, I know, but this may actually save your life one day. You know how queer and transgendered people used to face terrible violence and discrimination? We know society changed and today it’s “super cool” to be queer and proud, right? Now, queer and transgendered LGBTQ2S+ people are kissing in movies, adopting children and running for political office. It’s a non-stop rainbow celebration of success! Our governments made new laws and said things would never be violent and plagued with injustices like that ever again, right? All’s well that ends well, rainbow flags for everyone! Yippee!
Ok, the problem is – this is NOT happening for 90% of the planet.
Why didn’t somebody tell you that? Well Honeybunch, there’s a lot of very serious things they don’t tell you in the western world. The fact is, this planet is largely populated by humans who do NOT accept homosexuality as a “natural” part of life. In the “real” world (if we’re looking to sheer “democratic” numbers) transgendered and queer individuals are seen as aberrations, or worse. You know who agrees with this majority? The western elite. They’ve always purchased equality with wealth and position. Human rights are irrelevant to them. Social acceptance? They don’t give a fig about that. Centuries ago they were a network of inbred Royal families and upwardly mobile nobles who crawled out of the Roman Empire. They invented the slave trade to build on their power. Today they’ve expanded into monopoly, militarism and message control. They’ve survived for generations because they own almost everything. They even own you Honeybunch.
These assholes sold you on the rainbow flag idea of queer emancipation because you were stupid enough to fall for it. Now, you’re voting for their political proxies because they wave your flag and you’re ignoring what they actually represent. You’re shutting down dissent, censoring language and stifling academic debate for them. When it comes to message control, you’re cheap coin-op labour, a drop-a-dime whore. You’re even paying your taxes and cheering on their wars with rainbow coalition bullets on your helmet. You’re their “Born To Kill” ideological slave, a rainbow fool conscript. You’ve been sold a beautiful lie. When it’s no longer useful, it will come to an abrupt end. You thought they truly loved queer and transgendered people? You think they care about your rights? Honeybunch, the elite who own you never cared about that, or you.
Those who truly care about you should step forward and tell you the truth, before it kills you. Most of this planet doesn’t care about you, they never did and likely never will. This is not a “progressive” world. You’re blindly enjoying a deluded fantasy on an artificial cultural island. Take this year’s 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar as a prime example. It’s a massive international sporting event. Qatar doesn’t just persecute queer and transgendered individuals, they arrest and torture them. Muslims of Qatar can even face the death penalty. Shireen Ahmed wrote this excellent opinion piece for the CBC but, it got very little attention. (Aside: How awesome is Lise Klaveness?) If Qatar’s record doesn’t begin to wake you up, perhaps this will. America and “sunny ways” Canada loves doing business with Qatar.
The United States and Qatar have extensive economic ties. As Qatar’s largest foreign direct investor and its single largest source of imports, the United States has developed a robust trade relationship with Qatar, with over 120 U.S companies operating in country… Qatar announced a plan to invest $45 billion in the United States, in addition to billions of dollars’ worth of military and aviation, energy, and ICT contracts.
In 2020, Qatar was Canada’s 3rd largest merchandise trade partner in the Gulf Region, and 11th most important partner in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) with the bilateral merchandise trade total of about $196.2 million…More than 9,000 Canadian expatriates live and prosper in Qatar, working within Canadian and Qatari companies and institutions… Since December 2020, Air Canada operates 3 direct flights per week between Toronto and Doha.
Embassy of Canada to the State of Qatar, Canada-Qatar relations – FACT SHEET

We’re in deep with Qatar and your rainbow tax dollars daily lavish them with western approval. How do you feel about that? Of course the same is true of countries like: Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan (even after 20 years of U.S. occupation), Egypt, Bahrain, Brunei, Yemen, Iran (especially after the U.S. coup), Somalia, Jamaica, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, Pakistan, Algeria etc. Hell, it would probably be easier to just name all the countries with U.S./Canada historic, trade and military relationships who don’t hate queer or transgendered individuals to death. That list is a lot shorter and features billions fewer humans. In 2019 travel writers Asher & Lyric Fergusson pointed out…
A whopping forty-seven of the seventy countries that have illegal same-sex relationships were part of the British Empire. That is sixty-seven percent! This isn’t a coincidence. In almost all cases, the laws outlawing consensual gay sex were put into place under British rule and were left in place following independence.
What could have changed this? Apart from wiping the British empire from the face of this earth you mean? Peace and equality. It’s the only way true social change this fundamental takes root. Cultural exchange, free trade and constructive collaboration in times of peace are the only hope. Sanctions, embargo, isolation and exclusion only guarantee that NOTHING changes and everything gets worse for LGBTQ2S+ people. War especially only guarantees that these social attitudes never change. War is the current unipolar American/NATO business model. We still have yet to achieve basic equality of the sexes. Expecting equality, in one generation, for countless “new” forms of gender was unreasonable, a myopic Disneyfied lie which only served the interests of power. When billionaires, bankers, royals, politicians, popes and police suddenly stop arresting you and want the same rainbow flag happy thing you want for yourself – that should not make you happy, it should make you nervous.

How do you protect yourself? Don’t let your LGBTQ2S+ identity be exploited by a vote-hungry government that manufactures lies and nuclear arms as it enriches countries that oppress the powerless. Advocate for world peace and learn the discipline of uncooperative dignity. It’s a simple position. Nothing about you is your government’s business. Give N/A as an answer whenever possible. Make them earn your trust and your vote blindly. Nothing about your gender or sexuality is to be submitted for public scrutiny. Insist upon it – go stats dark. It may be difficult to deprogram yourself from the cult of “out” and “be counted” you’ve been sold but, it’s necessary. Out there in the real world of billions, you do not yet exist as you do here. The future does not look like you. With every new war the world looks more like Poland and Qatar. Protect yourself. Stop celebrating false rainbow achievements and wake up. War, suffering and inequality worldwide will only ever accelerate oppression and erasure.