Do yourself a favour and grab the new Cartoon Darkness album by Amyl & The Sniffers. The whole thing is pure fire like Amy Taylor herself. There’s a song called Big Dreams at its core which is an instant classic in its haunting topical scope. The song U Should Not Be Doing That is best paired with the non-stop loop of that SpaceX booster rocket returning to Earth, caught by giant mechanical arms. Listen to this album with the full force of the future blowing hot Australian winter air in your face, and rejoice! The future is bright and punk never died. What more could you want?
Look, I can’t accurately predict your future in every blog entry. Of course Trump won the election. I told you the detailed how and why. I told you that the forever wars have to stop before we can get to Mars. But, I can’t deliver phenomenal portent panache in every dispatch. I’m a fibrous Betelgeuse-sized dark matter alien crammed into a voluptuous female human meat sock. It has serious limitations. It needs sleep, regular exercise, tampons and great tunes. If you’re hurting and Trump Delusion Syndrome is now driving you to the edge of sanity, let me suggest an alternative. Try ignoring your cultural clique and READING SHIT about life in other countries! Try educating yourself and if that doesn’t work – try getting angry. You’re probably eating a political shit taco today because you simply weren’t angry enough.