
Edith Keeler

Seamlessly she transitions, from kitten whiskers to missile guidance systems. With a glint in her eye, she banters about last night’s hockey score before tallying your latest forced donation to the war. Wave that flag as tanks roll through your cities on a hot summer day. Line the kids up for ice cream and tank rides! They’re built to blow apart other human beings but Canadian media says -“Yey!”. Now in the dead of 2022 you want a weather report? It’s COLD out there for anyone fighting the status quo. Death-dealing will continue to tumble out of the media’s glossy mouth with a load of Canadian-made light armoured vehicles and flag-waving crunchy maple walnut lies. Numbers will roll into the billions and billions more will move in loans and weapon sales. If you object to this, you’re a “fringe extremist”. If you openly question it while fundraising millions, you’re a “foreign-funded agitator”. If they set their own police cars on fire, you’re an “emerging threat to national security”. All of you are under surveillance.

Since 2014 Canada has delivered a minimum of $890 million to Ukraine and yearly contributes $200+ billion to NATO. How many ICU beds would that buy? That’s a trick question. The answer is all of them – twice. Canadian provinces currently hold too few ICU beds to deal with this pandemic let alone a simple mass-casualty incident. Putting an immediate end to Canada’s war roles could easily double the care we’re getting. No wait times for surgery – no Canadians without doctors – no emergency rooms closed on weekends. Most importantly – no need for lockdowns or vaccine mandates. If Canada is indeed violating people’s fundamental rights and freedoms because its healthcare system is underfunded then, let’s take the money used to fund wars on the other side of the world and properly fund the healthcare system – now. Why isn’t that already happening? Why is your health simply not as important as their war?

That’s not a crate of weapons you’re watching them deliver on the CBC, it’s a crate of elderly parents in soiled diapers who have not been bathed in weeks. That’s not a missile guidance system you’re offering to that “threatened” country, it’s ten dozen full ICU wards of coughing daycare workers, taxi drivers and meat packers. That’s not a “loan” of $120 million you’re offering Kiev, it’s thousands of rapid tests parents need right now so that schools can reopen. It’s thousands of PCR tests no one can book. The Canadian media, in bed with power, wants you to know that war is simply more important than all that. Think the Canadian media answers to you? No, they answer to power which thrives on profit and there are no greater profits than that of war. The media will attack anything which threatens this relationship, even if that’s you.