
Two Wolf Yarn Barn

Returning to the comedy edge of the Maritime real estate scene, we find new listings blooming through fresh snow. Today, for a little more than half a million one can purchase a beautiful shotgun style Victorian on the North side which is currently occupied by a typical Fredericton creature called a ‘Knick-Knack Yarn Gal’. Let us explore this colourful species of textile artist in its natural habitat…

Our first hint was the pegboard with dozens of colourful skeins of yarn… Too subtle? How about giant scissors…
Blammo ! Turn the corner and we achieve full knick-knack saturation as every surface features a tin or flea market find…

The house has great bones and elegant charm though it currently struggles with the aesthetics of its cat lady staging…
The new age “sew” groovy vibe is unmistakable yet every ounce of crazy quilt clutter screams “no storage”…
The eagle has landed! Under a two wolf blanket and before her Buddha lamp we see this species confirmed.