
Cyberpunk 2077 – Skippy

On a more cheerful note, let’s talk about Skippy! (mild spoiler alert) You find him in a dark alley. He’s an AI-driven smart pistol and the true rock star of Cyberpunk 2077. He’s an experimental prototype created by an alcoholic engineer named Danish. He has a British accent and his bouncing bullet form is reminiscent of the talking paperclip Microsoft once inflicted upon us. Skippy is so charming, funny and singularly lethal that you can’t help but develop a deep affection for him. During the time you spend together, Skippy insults you, judges your actions frankly and best of all, he’ll make you laugh. Never underestimate the power of making women laugh. As you use Skippy, he gets to know you and responds to the things you do. If you kill in especially cold-blooded and efficient ways, he’ll explain how and why you’re going to Hell. If you’re playing a female version of V and discharge the weapon accidentally, he’ll apologize for going off prematurely, grow embarrassed and explain that this almost never happens. He’ll also tell you that 98% of murders are committed by men then cheer you on with an awkward little “You go girl!” which is both dark and singularly hilarious. Skippy is absolutely delightful and his AI implications are the hit topic of conversation with my “chooms” these days.